לפני שנים רבות התחלתי את הציורים הללו בעקות אמן ישראלי שצייר - נדמה לי את מלחמת לבנון בסגנון זה.
לצערי איני זוכרת את שמו, מקווה שתעזרו לי בזה...
ציור בסגנון ציור מחשב - פיקסלים
כאן על נייר מילימטרי

ועוד אפשרות של יצירה בפיקסלים Another possibility
The description on the video clik on the link above to see it
One day my dad called me and I told him about my participation in this project (Hallingdal 65 by Kvadrat). "BUM!" he just replied. First I was puzzled but later he told me about a book published by Kvadrat he read 25 years ago. A story about an unusual man, answering to the name Bum (ed. Boom), because he was born the same year World War I began.
I had to know more.
I found the book in my grandmother´s bookshelf and got hold of a small documentary about Bum from the Danish Broadcasting Corporation's archives. This proved to be a thrilling encounter with an exuberant, vivacious and tireless entrepreneur who among other things collaborated with Nanna Ditzel when creating Hallingdal.
After getting to know Bum and Nanna better, it became obvious to me that I wanted to create portraits of these two masterminds.
Each portrait is created by 60 x 60 pixels each pixel being a 5cm x 5cm small padded foam piece on a base of mdf wood. The pieces are padded by inmates of Vridsløselille State Prison, using 29 colors from the Hallingdal color scale.
In total the piece contains 7200 pixels and measures 3 x 6 meters.
By Hjortefar
Mads Hjort
Pixel padding
by inmates of Vridsløselille State Prison
Thomas Nichola "Teflon don" Matew
Robert "Robz" Hansen
coordinated by
Christina Boelt Poulsen
by Bjarke Kvich
Tec. support
Tobias Ebsen
You can make it with stickers as you can see on this video
or just one picture
ניתן ליצור סרטון אנימציה כפי שתראו בקישור או כתמונה בודדה
בקישור הבא הסבר: כיצד זה נעשה ?!how was it done

ובתוכנת אקסל Excel as a drawing tool
לצערי איני זוכרת את שמו, מקווה שתעזרו לי בזה...
ציור בסגנון ציור מחשב - פיקסלים
כאן על נייר מילימטרי
נייר מילימטרי millimeters Paper |
ציור שנעשה במחשב ישן |
ציור ממוחשב צבוע בצבעי פנדה על גבי שני גיליונות נייר חשבון מצורפים |
ועוד אפשרות של יצירה בפיקסלים Another possibility
The description on the video clik on the link above to see it
One day my dad called me and I told him about my participation in this project (Hallingdal 65 by Kvadrat). "BUM!" he just replied. First I was puzzled but later he told me about a book published by Kvadrat he read 25 years ago. A story about an unusual man, answering to the name Bum (ed. Boom), because he was born the same year World War I began.
I had to know more.
I found the book in my grandmother´s bookshelf and got hold of a small documentary about Bum from the Danish Broadcasting Corporation's archives. This proved to be a thrilling encounter with an exuberant, vivacious and tireless entrepreneur who among other things collaborated with Nanna Ditzel when creating Hallingdal.
After getting to know Bum and Nanna better, it became obvious to me that I wanted to create portraits of these two masterminds.
Each portrait is created by 60 x 60 pixels each pixel being a 5cm x 5cm small padded foam piece on a base of mdf wood. The pieces are padded by inmates of Vridsløselille State Prison, using 29 colors from the Hallingdal color scale.
In total the piece contains 7200 pixels and measures 3 x 6 meters.
By Hjortefar
Mads Hjort
Pixel padding
by inmates of Vridsløselille State Prison
Thomas Nichola "Teflon don" Matew
Robert "Robz" Hansen
coordinated by
Christina Boelt Poulsen
by Bjarke Kvich
Tec. support
Tobias Ebsen

Explanation about pixels הסבר מהם פיקסלים ![]() |
אנדי וורהול ומרלין מונרו בפיקסלים Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe in pixels |
You can make it with stickers as you can see on this video
or just one picture
ניתן ליצור סרטון אנימציה כפי שתראו בקישור או כתמונה בודדה
בקישור הבא הסבר: כיצד זה נעשה ?!how was it done

ובתוכנת אקסל Excel as a drawing tool
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